Brough of Birsay Lighthouse

Blue Sky Day at Birsay

Blue Sky Day at Birsay – Brough of Birsay

Bizarrely the first picture I made for this collection before lockdown was ‘Causeway’. A few years later and this picture based on sketches, photos, and memories from the same day is the last.

Once over the causeway passed the ruins of previous inhabitants protected by Historic Scotland there is a wide mown path that leads you over to the other side of the island and lighthouse. The contrast between how far it seemed with those young children I describe in my writing about the picture, ‘Causeway’ and how long it took to this visit is immense. What was a long trek is now just a quick walk. The view when you get there is of the lighthouse, depicted in this picture, the last thing standing between you and the wide expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Wild and windy almost always but so worth that walk to feel the wind on your face and to look out across that expanse of ocean. On this visit the sun shone though, a bonus, to be thankful for.