Before you go Look Back

Before You Go Look Back

Yet another picture from the long birthday weekend spent in Assynt in late March. The weather was gorgeous but there was still a lot of snow on the bigger hills. With no kit for such hills we went up a small hill

This is the 2nd of 2 pieces based on the walk up Ben Ghoblach. A smaller hill that sits at the end of a promontory opposite Ullapool to the south. A hill which stands alone and from which you get stunning views all around.

This picture was inspired as we looked back on the hill from the hump we’d come over on the way up, (as used for the title of the picture ‘over the Hump’). Looking back the 2 lochans looked also like heart shapes on their sides and a deep rich blue colour in contrast to the warm russet hues of the hills around.

It amazes me really that so much of the work I produce can come from a handful of days. It is certainly the case for this exhibition. I am always thankful for a beautiful weather day when I am able to get out and about with family or friends as they are the best days for inspiration.